Friday, April 30, 2010

Puppies and Spring... sigh.....

I have been absent for quiet a while from the blog world..ok so I have only done two entries in my entire life, but I can call myself a blogger...right? So life has been swirling around us and most days I feel I am hanging on by my fingernails. Most of my Crazies have come from the six new additions to our family these past few months!
We have had a litter of six puppies in February (all of which are gone, whew)! I now refer to myself as the midwoof! I loved every second of the puppy process and was very surprised at how much I did enjoy it. We will probably have another litter next summer and I (and my dog Maya) will retire from the midwoof profession.
I put some pictures up of my puppies, they were so fun to shoot!
Enjoy, I sure did!
Amy Jo

My gang!

My gang!

Jennies family

Jennies family